"always, always, find a reason to laugh. it may not add years to your life but will add life to your years." scarf & cloves - vintage / shirt - vintage / jacket - asos / skirt - DIY / shoes - H&M ...
"other women are not my competition. I stand with them, not against them."faux fur - primark / dress - asos / shoes - zara / glasses - vintage ...
"it is only with the heart that one can see rightly. what is essential is invisible to the eye." body con - asos / pemplum - DIY / blouse - vintage ...
"no amount of physical beauty will ever be as vuluable as a beautiful heart." faux fur - primark / beanie & sweater - M.X.O / shirt - vintage / pants - esmara / shoes - deichmann / purse - is a jewelry box ...
"if a woman writes about herself, she´s a narcissist. if a man does the same, he´s describing the human condition." overall - american apparel / shoes - nike / umbrella - found at little store in the netherlands ...
"happiness is a state of mind." shoes - ZARA / jacket - asos / pants - asos tall / top - DIY ...